Family Law

Can I relocate with my children after I divorce?

After a divorce or separation, you may decide that you wish to relocate with your children. This may be for a number of reasons, including remarriage, the offer of employment or wanting to be nearer family. There are two types of relocation, those which are within the UK, known as internal relocation or relocation outside

Family Law

Family Pilot Scheme aimed at improving transparency

On 30th January 2023, a new pilot scheme was launched in Cardiff, Carlisle and Leeds family courts. The scheme is set to last 12 months, concluding on 30th January 2024 and applies only to children cases. The scheme follows a 2021 report written by Sir Andrew McFarlane which followed an extensive review, focused on improving

Family Law

Affording a Divorce in a cost-of-living crisis

Divorce can be a financial burden at any time but in the current climate of rising inflation, spouses are finding it increasingly difficult to finance their separation. Below are some tips on how divorce costs can be kept to a minimum in a cost-of-living crisis. Avoiding Court Proceedings A key objective when trying to limit

Family Law

Family law – Application for Decree Absolute

The application for divorce was reformed last year with the specific purpose of removing blame from the process.  It is hoped this will encourage and assist separating couples to settle all matters outside of court where possible. Whether your divorce is being processed under the old law or the new law there are four stages