Legal Notice


Content on this website is provided for your general information purposes only and to inform you about us and our products and news, features, services and other websites which may be of interest. It does not constitute technical, financial, legal advice or any other type of advice and should not be relied on for any purposes.

While we have made every effort to provide accurate information on this website, the law is always changing and affects each person differently. The information on this website is no substitute for specific advice about you personally and we will not be liable to you if you rely on this information.

In the event of any dispute arising as a result of content posted on this website the jurisdiction and applicable law to be invoked is that of England and Wales.

Authorised and Regulated by the SRA

Wallace Robinson & Morgan is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). The firm’s SRA number is 596429.

Wallace Robinson & Morgan Limited

Wallace Robinson & Morgan is the trading name of Wallace Robinson & Morgan Limited, a company registered in England and Wales.

Registered number: 07984263. Registered office: 4 Drury Lane, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3BD

A list of directors is available at the registered office and below:

Mr TR Langford
Mrs AV Hobbs
Mrs KL Ferris
Mrs RE Nolan
Mr LJ Wdowiak

The Directors may also be referred to as “Partners” throughout this website.

Service of documents by facsimile or electronic communication is not accepted.

Branch Office

Wallace Robinson & Morgan has a branch office at:

17-19 Station Approach,
West Midlands
B93 8JA.

Tel: 01564 779393
Fax: 01564 778809


Provision of Service Regulations 2009

The details of our Professional Indemnity Insurance are shown below, to comply with the above regulation. This is in respect of our mandatory cover that complies with the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s Minimum Terms and Conditions for offices in England and Wales only.

Name of qualifying insurer: Allianz Global Corporate & Speciality SE

Contact details of qualifying insurer: Allianz Global Corporate & Speciality SE, 60 Gracechurch St, London, EC3V 0HR

Name of insured firm: Wallace Robinson & Morgan Limited

Principal address of firm: 4 Drury Lane, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 3BD

Period of Insurance: 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2025 (inclusive)

Territorial coverage: Worldwide

Policy number: GBF012688230