October 11, 2021
On Monday 4 October, Wallace Robinson & Morgan joined other law firms and employees at legal advice centres to take part in (a very rainy) 10km Birmingham Legal Walk.
The purpose of the walk was to fundraise for local legal advice services as the reduced availability of legal aid has led to more and more people being unable to afford legal advice, and government funding for advice centres has also been reduced. Legal advice centres provide advice about a range of issues including housing and homelessness, domestic violence, and support available for older people and those on low incomes.
The walkers from our firm included Kirsty Roberts, Assistant Solicitor, Gary Sawyer and Kirsten Wagner, both Trainee Solicitors, and former employee Natalie Hogg also joined the team. At the time of writing, we raised £303.75 (including gift aid) and are grateful to all those who either took part or sponsored our team.
If you would like support us and donate please use this link: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/WallaceRobinsonandMorgan and please pass onto friends and family too.
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